SPRING Letters of Intent due April 2, 2021.

On Tuesday, October 17th REF held their 2nd Annual Honoree Breakfast. REF is blessed with having many wonderful people who give of their time and talent each and every year. Thank you to all who attended the event including RTSD Superintendent Mr. Ken Bachelor.

Those receiving honors included:

Mr. Patrick Larkin, Pat has shared that in his wide experience, Radnor Township School District is among the highest-performing school systems, an exemplary district he is pleased to support by giving generously as a corporate sponsor of the Radnor Educational Foundation.

Hugh and Carolyn Braithwaite as our Partners in Excellence. Their generosity through personal and corporate giving and sincere interest in the organization’s grant initiatives has informed the direction of REF’s evolution

Anthony Stevenson and Denik Herrin, our 2017 Visionary Leaders. Because of their vision and leadership, because they have consistently demonstrated the convictionand courage to speak on behalf of students whose voices are sometimes silent, whose families are oftentimes unseen, the Radnor Educational Foundation is morecompassionate in serving our vision.

Sheryl Parente, For her leadership, dedication and countless hours of service on behalf of Radnor students and our community, our 2017 Exemplary Board Member.

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