SPRING Letters of Intent due April 2, 2021.

2024-2025 Grant Application

    Radnor Educational Foundation
    Grant Application Format
    2024- 2025

    Grant Title

    Grant Request

    Grant Applicant Name(s)

    Relation to RTSD (parent / teacher / administrator / student)

    Radnor School(s) to be involved in the project (Check all that apply)

    Please provide the following narrative and budget information:

    Project Description: (include the following information)

    Describe what the project will involve and which students will participate (number, grade level & other relevant details).

    Who will conduct and manage the project?

    Are there other participants (colleagues, parents, members of the school community)

    Methods for carrying out the project.

    Where will the project be implemented?

    Project Need/Impact:

    Why is the project needed?

    What impact will the project have on the Radnor community/students?

    How will it meet the perceived need?

    What is the cost per student?

    Project Schedule: (timeline for the project including # of days or on-going)

    What criteria have you set to determine if the project is a success?

    What tools/methods will you use to evaluate how these criteria have/have not been met? Both qualitative and quantitative evaluative methods are welcome.

    What is this project's future? That is, can it be sustained, expanded and/or replicated?

    Please identify any anticipated sources of future funding.

    Budget (list as many items as necessary)
    Budget 1

    Budget 2

    Budget 3

    Budget 4

    Documentation (attach budget sheet)


    What other sources of funding have you explored, such as PTO/PTSA, RTSD, local businesses, other foundations?

    Please list here the school/RTSD representatives (other than the required approvals below) with whom you have cleared this proposal, indicating whether the individual has signed off, done so conditionally or needs additional information. If sign off is conditional, or the individual needs more information, you will need to follow up with the Grants Committee before the proposal is approved.

    Applicant Signature:



    Congratulations on being invited to develop a proposal for a Radnor Educational Foundation grant. Following is a brief checklist to help you as you prepare for the grant meeting presentation. Because all members of the grants committee will have thoroughly read your application in advance of the meeting, the 15 minute presentation time should be used to highlight the following for the committee:

    • How is this project aligned to REF's mission to enrich the educational experience, maintain academic excellence and encourage innovative opportunities for the students of the Radnor Township School District?

    • How is this project an "investment" in Radnor students and the community?

    • How many students will the program serve? Please be as specific as possible, providing the school, the number of students and the grade level(s).

    • Who else in the community will be involved to make this project a success? i.e. Teachers, School Administrators, Parents

    • Will this project be able to fund itself in future years? If no, what is the plan for success in the future?

    • What other resources are being used to fund the project, if any? i.e. PTO, private funding

    PLEASE NOTE, you will have seven minutes only for your presentation, followed by eight minutes when committee members may ask questions to clarify or better understand your project.

    A special note regarding video: if you would like the committee to view video or read supplemental documentation, please email these materials to the Foundation Administrator at (admin@radnoreducationalfoundation.org) in advance of the meeting. These materials will be uploaded to the grants drive shared by committee members, who will review them in advance of your presentation.