Cristina Genovesi, along with her husband Joe, is a parent to two wonderful children, Cecilia and Joey, currently attending Ithan Elementary in the Radnor Township School District. Their family has lived in Radnor for over 8 years. Passionate about education and giving back to the community, Cristina is currently on three committees at REF: Community Engagement, Grants and Development. She has over 10 years of work experience that includes higher education having worked at Wharton Executive Education on their custom and open enrollment programs. Cristina also devotes her time to volunteering and fundraising for several nonprofit organizations and the PTO at her children’s school. She has her Bachelor of Arts degree in Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Mass Media from Temple University and Master of Arts in Professional Communications from LaSalle University. In her spare time, she loves to travel and spend time with her family and friends.